Thursday, May 27, 2010


so just came back from the midnight screening of Sex and the City 2...


STORYLINE- FUNNY as hell, Samantha KILLED me literally LOLs the entire time; less corny than the first one; more of an enthusiastic feeling as compared to the first one where the first half Carrie was moping the entire time; not sure if there is a moral to the story, I saw this more as a comedy than a "moral to the story" movie; definitely far out from reality HOWEVER it is a BIT more realistic than the first one; Big gets a bitter taste in his mouth; Samantha gets in trouble for having too much in her mouth and what can I say about Liza except for I JUST DIE.

FASHION- BRAVO!!!! Seriously fantastic; less ostentatious than the first movie; Samantha's Red Spiked/ Studded ensemble- I DIE; Gold Glitter Loubs- I DIE. Vintage Halston- I DIE EVEN MORE. And I don't know if Michael Patrick King consulted with Pat Fields about Miranda but let me just say Miranda looks AMAZING! Her wardrobe was such a pleasant surprise! Just one thing about Carrie and Big's apartment and I never thought I would say this but.. TOO MUCH BLUE!!

All in All if your a SATC fan I don't have to tell you to go see it because you probably already have your tickets and if your not...well you should prob see it anyway.

but I'm just biased :)

p.s. I wouldn't be surprised if some controversy spirals from this movie, if you go see it you'll know what I'm talking about...

Sunday, May 23, 2010

80s satc

a look at the ladies in 80s gear from SATC2.

i am extremely excited for this flashback!

not so sure if i'm excited about miranda's haircut...

Saturday, May 22, 2010


makes my heart melt.

satc fashion.

i found a cute clip from SATC about fashion from the first movie.

it goes into the costume wardrobe department.

i just want to take a box and put it at the end of the table and slide ALL of those shoes into the box.

no one would notice right?




Friday, May 21, 2010

cutest caption.

caption of the girls from SATC2.

badass b*tch

Gia Carangi. rest in peace. so tragic but SO beautiful.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

the ORIGINAL vogue.

Crystal Castles - Empathy from Jef Deng on Vimeo.

above is a remixed clip from the 1980s documentary "Paris is Burning".

a documentary that goes into the underground gay ballroom scene where "voguing" first originated.

i found this clip remixed to Crystal Castles "Empathy".

Crystal Castles + Voguing = WIN!



summer night in brooklyn.

nothing like a summer night in brooklyn.


bensonhurst subway. brooklyn, ny.

"urban shoe myth"

as promised :)


Tuesday, May 18, 2010


"passion is a positive obsession. obsession is a negative passion."

Paul Carvel- Belgian writer, 1964.

are YOU ready?!?

New York is going gaga over the much anticipated release of SATC 2.

store windows such as Macy's on 34th street have an entire dedication to the girls, each mannequin suited to fit each character's style.

websites and stores are advertising pieces to help "Carrie" your style.

an excellent article for any girl who's on a budget but wants to "Carrie" her style is an article by the NYTimes Style section.

and if you happen to be in the NY area you can stop by the Patricia Field store on 302 Bowery Street where you can purchase some of the accessories seen in the movie.

Pat Field's website also features "SATC and Beyond" where specific styles were picked out by Ms.Field herself to suit the modern day fashion forward woman.

the very cool illustrations are done by Aaron Botts.

as far as the rumored $10 million dollar budget for fashion goes, check out the link below where SJP addresses the ostentatious rumor.

SJP Talks SATC Fashion

and for my adoring readers i will grant you a little treat for the next 9 days i will be posting at least one SATC related quote, picture, video ANYTHING in celebration of this fabulous film.

can't wait to get Carried away!! :)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

you're hot in the city.

love, love this song.

i mean how could you not love anything that billy idol does.

check out his vid, "hot in the city".

i just love his bleached locks :)



Saturday, May 15, 2010

energy friendly slide.

elevator? escalator? nah i'll take the slide instead.

inside the Tate Modern Museum in London, specifically in Turbine Hall, is an eco-friendly method of transportation.

This usable art works as both a sculpture and slide created by Carsten Holler.

Holler has installed slides in various galleries and museums, however, Turbine Hall has a great amount of space which allowed Holler to extend his vision.

Holler created this unique, inexpensive structure with the idea in mind for people to ride the slide so they can experience an emotional state while being safely transported from one level to another.

beautiful, cool and fun.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

imagine this in your living room.

if you are looking for a very abstract, unconventional piece of furniture for your home well you have come to the right spot.

this is the work of italian designer, Fabio Novembre, showcased during Milan Design Week 2010.

Novembre thrives on using the human figure, or parts of it, as his central focus of his design where the human figure is capable of becoming abstract and universal. Similar to Greek mythology where heroes and heroines were depicted using divine and proportionate features in sculptures.

"Nemo" is the title of this work. It is a face with classic features that conceals the real purpose of the work which is a armchair installed in the inhabitable space behind the abstract face.

"Nemo" can be used in interior and exterior environments.

nyc double decker.

all aboard!!

back in the good ole' days nyc subways were actually double deckers.

this is a picture of a subway going from jamaica, queens to brooklyn.

i wish they still had these.